Up to date policy documents along with a concise employee handbook are essential for any hiring business. We’re delighted to be working with The Corbett Group to ensure they remain compliant with all employment regulations and amendments to existing policies.
Company Policies at The Corbett Group.

Problems Solved.
Up to date, concise employee handbook for all staff. Certified.
GHR Consulting helped us greatly by ensuring all of our employee handbooks were fully updated and legally compliant.
WRC Compliant. Inspection ready with all documents updated and compliant.
GHR Consulting met with us in person and ensured all of our documents were fully up to date and ready for inspection at any time.
Progress Tracking
Our regular meetings with GHR allowed us to track our progress as we developed and improved our HR function.
Ruairi Guckian and Terence Morgan, GHR Consulting
Ruairi Guckian,
GHR Consulting
“The Corbett Group are a real Galway business success story. Jon Corbett and his brother Derek continue to go from strength to strength with their retail and accommodation offerings. Their rapid growth in recent years has led to a large increase in their employee numbers. They needed to ensure that they protect their business by being aware of all of their employment legislative requirements.
We now have the internal processes and procedures in place to ensure that the Corbett Group is ready to continue its expansion plans. GHR Consulting is looking forward to continuing partnering with the Corbett Group as they enjoy continued success”
Understand and improve your HR policy by meeting with a HR professional
HR doesn't need to be a headache.
Quick and easy service. Business Sorted.
We will meet with you to learn more about your business and understand more about your specific requirements before establishing a plan that works best for you.
Are your policies up to date? Are your staff aware of your company’s policies?
Contract of
Are you aware of the regulations for an employer / employee contract?
We can design a performance review strategy that will work in tandem with your business objectives, ensuring business continuty and better results.